Dissected Washinton DC Map
Dissected Baltimore Map
Dissected Baltimore Map (detail)
Parking lot extra terrestrial landing site. Spray paint on Parking Lot 50’ dia. Baltimore 2002. This was photographed without a drone or helicopter and took some real maneuvers to get this perspective.
street view, spray paint on parking lot. Baltimore 2002
Some instructions if you want to make your own 2006
Site-specific installation for Baltimore City Art Council, Color coded packaged site litter. Collaboration with Jason Hughes
Dissected Washinton DC Map
Dissected Baltimore Map
Dissected Baltimore Map (detail)
Parking lot extra terrestrial landing site. Spray paint on Parking Lot 50’ dia. Baltimore 2002. This was photographed without a drone or helicopter and took some real maneuvers to get this perspective.
street view, spray paint on parking lot. Baltimore 2002
Some instructions if you want to make your own 2006
Site-specific installation for Baltimore City Art Council, Color coded packaged site litter. Collaboration with Jason Hughes